Saturday, January 29, 2011

Grammar and Punctuation

Though I love him - my husband refuses to edit.

He's anti-edit-man. Why is that? Because men are stubborn.

And, just for the record, they can not multi-task either.

There I said it! However, I do love him. :)

Purpose of the blog

I started this blog in 2009 as a journaling platform. After being fed up with lost and disorganized writing on paper and in various molskin notebooks I looked to technology. I wrote mostly about how I felt about moving to Boulder with my then fiance, Naomi. During the time that I used this place as a home for my personal thoughts I interviewed at Narop University. I intended to secure a position in the 2012 Wilderness Therapy cohort and I did.

Over two years have passed and I am choosing to revamp this space as a place to play with Naomi. Now she is my wife and I love to offer our relationship gems of wisdom in the form of self-help cliches--"the family that plays together stays together." So here we are representing a small part of our lives on the internet. I imagine that this blog will push us to document our adventures in the Front Range and maybe even send us farther afield. I hope that this will be a place where we both make bold committments and share our personal goals and successes. Over time, I also hope that it is a place where the people that we meet and the friends that we love will also make their presence known because after all "no man [or woman] is an island" and I still hold some hope that the intenet can bring people closer.

So friends, please reach out if you want to meet up, have coffee and talk about act of living and loving as much as we can.

Be well and stay mostly safe,